Japanese fascist

Japanese fascistJapanese fascist
  1. This suffers a defeat and flees the basic function to the Japanese Fascist .


  2. I have heard a lot of touching stories about men and women from both China and Britain , who jointly fought the Japanese fascist forces and forged a profound friendship .


  3. The causes of failure are that Britain , America and Holland have appeased Japan for a long time , regarded people in the colonies as enemies and resisted Japanese fascist without heart .


  4. Because the Japanese fascist has started the aggressive war against China , the domestic principal contradiction had change , at the same time both the Kuomintang and the Communist Parties transformed their policies and started to contact secretly with the main form of " negotiation and consultation " .


  5. The Japanese imperialism exercised the fascist colonial domination in the occupied areas in order to meet the needs of the invading war , which made the legal content with obvious colonial features .
